Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Working on putting my information together

Well, I have spent several days, entering my information, online, at Ancestry.com.
Now, trying to export that information, back to myself, and my FTM software.
Trouble is, my computer froze during the process.

As I go over the letters, I have received over the years, I can see the level of detail,
these people put into their research.  Sometimes, they did, what people do now online,
they simply copied the work of others.  I tend to call these people, "standing on the
shoulders of others" researchers, meaning they don't actually find the information themselves,
they simply accept other people's work as "gospel", and never second guess or question it.

When you are a "self taught" genealogy hobbyist, many times you don't follow the so-called
rules, simply because you are ignorant of them.

I know, for myself, when I did my early research, my concern was getting the information.
I would write down or make photo copies of the exact information, without making
copies or notations, as to where that information came from (ex. what book, etc.).
Now, years later, it's like, yeah right, I'm going to remember where I found that.

So, I guess it does "pay" to get some sort of training, so you don't have to re-do a lot
of "leg work", if you know what I mean.

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