For the past few years now, I have purchased the latest FTM software, intending to use it to put my genealogy information on, but also because it usually comes with a free 3 month subscription to
I usually use the 3 month subscription, then cancel before it expires.
However, I have yet to use the actual FTM software, until now.
So, I began yesterday, entering in my information, while simultaneously making sure it gets posted on for all to see. I pray that by the time I'm done, maybe it will give me some insight on where to search to solve the mysteries that still linger about my family ancestors, especially Jacob Arney.
For decades, it was believed that he had been traced all the way back to when his parents entered the United States of America. Therefore, any researcher of this family name's job would be done, we could actually say we had traced our ancestor, back to the first one who came here to the USA, right?
Well, wrong, the information would turn out to be in error, which meant we really cannot trace our Jacob Arney back any further, than himself. We still need to know, who were his parents, who were his siblings, where was he born, where was his parents born, etc.?
So, I'm putting that task, on hold, for a little while, until I can get all the other information, that I have gathered over the years, together, both in a software program on my computer, and online, for others to see and compare.
I'll let you know, how both goes.
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